Indoor wireless solutions, indoor DAS and indoor provisions for public safety are no rocket science ! The technology has been available for decades; the solutions are abundantly available on the market and the systems are known to mobile operators. What is new is that the need for them is rising dramatically and so is the demand from users and tenants. What is also new is the option of a fully managed indoor service the way UlWiMO offers it instead of procuring a system.
Holland has a vivid market for indoor coverage, to some extend accelerated by 2 issues:
- The liberalising of a specific frequency band for indoor usage of private GSM; a solution that many corporate and hospitals are embracing.
- A regime whereby the public safety forces are actively pursuing the installing of indoor coverage for the public safety wireless network. This is a trend equally witnessed in Belgium for the Astrid network and soon to be established in Germany for the growing BDBOS network.
In Holland, currently the most active market for indoor wireless, there are some dozens of examples of buildings and venues that have been equipped with indo wireless systems, notably
- Hospitals
- Office complexes
- Mass venues and stadiums
- The national airport
Thus, it goes to show that with an indoor solution one is not at all the fist of a kind!